Columbus Industries Partners to Protect What Matters Most

Our filtration solutions are helping to make the world healthier safer and productive.

We are Committed to a Better Tomorrow

Columbus Industries is a global manufacturer of quality filters since 1965. With our expertise and low-cost operations in North America, we are able to design and manufacture filters that solve the hardest application challenges facing customers today.

All Filters Manufactured in North America!


Our products utilize best-in-class technologies in the indoor air quality filtration space. These technologies serve multiple applications to provide the highest assurance to particle and VOC capture.

Surface Modified Activated Carbon

A more efficient class of gas-phase filters with least pressure drop and highest molecular filtration efficiency.


Foam in Place Gasketing

Equips filters with permanent, built-in gaskets using patented technology.


Supercharged Media

Utilizes proprietary technologies to deliver superior efficiency ratings with the lowest pressure drop.


Get in Touch!

Phone: 740.983.2552 

Fax: 740.983.3147